1Page of Control Device

Control Device


By developing intelligent energy measuring devices necessary for more efficient operation of energy use, we are developing and supplying measurement and control devices necessary for the operation of existing power plants, new and renewable energy, and distributed energy.

Product Introduce

Development background
· Background of Establishment In order to implement Smart ZEC (Smart Zero Energy City), an energy-independent city, a national strategic project of smart city, expansion and efficient use of renewable energy and distributed energy resources are key factors.
· In the case of a smart thermal grid, a thermal energy network is required where various types of energy production devices are distributed and connected near the consumer, rather than the existing collective energy-based central production and supply method, so PTP-based thermal energy (heat + pressure) with visual synchronization RTU development is required
Main features
· Application of PTP software stack based on IEEE 1588
· Application of GPS-based time synchronization program module
· 1pps (pulse per second) circuit for verifying the visual error between IoT energy RTUs

IoT energy RTU design proposal 


main text

IoT energy RTU composition plan

IoT energy RTU composition plan